December 29, 2019

Nathan and I are sitting by Hunter’s bedside as he rests. For three days, he is on strict bed rest, laying flat, healing from his spinal and back surgery. He sits up slightly 3x daily to slowly eat. He also is keeping up with football scores. His favorite to hear was the Dolphins beating the Patriots today! I also read him your comments, messages, and texts and if you don’t hear back from us, just know your encouragement and most of all, the prayers are life-changing for Hunter. After tomorrow’s day three of rest, we’re praying for more positive progress and have some ideas of the next steps on the long journey ahead. 

Specific prayer requests:

  1. Stabilizing his vitals to allow for next steps in his recovery 

  2. Comfort and pain management

  3. Miraculous sensation in his lower extremities 

  4. The ability for Nathan and me to get some needed rest tonight

  5. His medical team

  6. To keep focused on the next thing and not worry about the future

We have more praise than we can list. Hunter has his mind, hands and arms, an ARMY of prayer warriors (that’s YOU!) lifting him up for miraculous healing and people showing up for Hunter and our family in so many ways. There is a Go Fund Me account which will all go to Hunter’s needs and tools to build his future. I’ll share the link at the bottom of this update. Other funds are being set up also. We’re humbled by the outreach and most of all, feel your prayers. 

We don’t understand WHY this severe spinal cord injury has happened to our son but in the midst of trying, difficult times we see God’s greater plan unfolding. Yes, we are sad. Yes, we want to wake up from this terrible dream. Yes, we want to trade places with Hunter. This is our reality now. Hunter isn’t going to run out of this hospital. 

Something BIG is happening though and we feel it. God can take tragedy and pain and use it for good. When you’re in neurotrauma ICU, you see patients and families with much worse circumstances than you. Today two strangers in the hallway asked to give me hugs. They shared their story and I shared ours. If you look for God’s love, you find it I was reminded by a friend today.

It’s everywhere. 

We hope to get a public Facebook group organized and/or a Caringbridge page or blog to share regular #hunterstrong updates as the journey continues for our son. We will share that when it’s ready. THANK YOU for your prayers, support, kindness, and love. 



December 30, 2019


December 28th, 2019 - Part 2