December 31, 2019

Today we had answered prayers and have new prayer requests for Hunter! I asked Hunter if he had anything to share and with his eyes closed, resting, he smiled and said, “KEEP PRAYING!”

Hunter sat up to the edge of the bed today with the help of OT and PT today for one minute, “the longest minute of my life” as he said and it wiped him out but it was a BIG win to the next steps in his recovery.

Since his eight hour surgery after his Dec. 27 accident, he spent three days flat on his back and today getting more upright caused a lot of back pain, but it is outside back pain, which is muscle not spinal and managed with muscle relaxers, nerve end medication, and pain killers. He learned pain increases for 10 minutes every time he moves he was told and then would start to decrease.

Hunter had NO severe head pain today when he was more upright which we prayerfully hope means the repair of the cerebral spinal fluid leakage and HEALING.

Hunter can feel pressure when we push down on his stomach area but not sensation yet. This is about six inches more of feeling in his trunk area of his body than he could feel on Saturday.

The tingling and numbness he had in two fingers have disappeared.

Why can’t he feel his lower extremities? The brain signal is not getting through spinal cord injury and inflammation. The middle of his back was “crushed” as a member of the neurosurgery team shared today when he reviewed scans and results with Hunter and us. The “likelihood” is he will never feel his legs again but “nothing is 100%” said the neuro team member. Then he said, “you may never use these again” putting his hands on Hunter’s legs and looking at Hunter’s face.

Hunter had a smirk on his face and said, “I just can’t wait to prove you wrong.”

The neuro team member said, “Stay in the game. Fight, each day’s battle, slowly.”

It was my FAVORITE interaction of the day.

Specific prayer requests:

  • Please keep fighting for Hunter and his fellow neurotrauma ICU patient Todd and for glory to be given to God in ways we cannot see or know

  • Heal Hunter’s right shoulder which we had an MRI on and is “acutely” damaged from the accident also but will not be repaired anytime soon. It will make rehab a lot more limiting and painful if he doesn’t have “power” (Hunter’s description) in his right shoulder

  • For strength and grit tomorrow as Hunter will be placed into a wheelchair for the first time and moved to have x-rays done on his back.

  • For increased lung capacity, for pneumonia prevention

  • For miraculous healing of the “crushed” back and complete healing of the spinal cord so that the neurosurgery team says Hunter Pinke is a case medicine cannot explain!

  • For rest for all of us and clear thinking as we work to make decisions on the next steps to get Hunter to Craig hospital for inpatient rehab.

THANK YOU to all who are showing up for us. We are weary yet so encouraged. God is doing something BIG here and it’s building. I didn’t know there is a way to be full of HOPE and heartache at the same time until these last four days. We will obey and follow God’s purpose and plan in each next step. Keep praying, please!

2020 is here and we’re ready for what the Lord is going to reveal.

Todd’s Go Fund Me

He has a great financial need and is two doors down from Hunter in neurotrauma ICU. We’ve met his family, visit often and are praying they can go to Craig together for their rehab.



January 1, 2020 - Part 1


December 30, 2019